Illusia's Temple at Dusk

As the sun nears the horizon, you make your way back to Illusia's Temple, eyes alight with anticipation at what you may see. Clouds across the sky start manifesting hints of pink, then orange, and then purples. You approach the stained-glass wall, considering if you should enter the temple first. Surely, they wouldn't do both at once, and the waning light would affect the temple first. You enter the fountain.

It's getting difficult to see inside, but you spy a priest approaching Illusia's statue with a long lit candle. Reaching the outer circle of its base, the priest kneels, golden robes pooling about her on the floor. Her lips move in what must be a prayer, then she bends low, extending her candle to touch its flame to the ribbon-like wick in the wax-laden channel surrounding Illusia's feet. Fire springs to life, heading both directions to meet in the back, forming a perfect undulating circle.
The light patterns so apparent during the day that had faded with the sun's farewell spring back to life in the reflections of the fire's light off the flowing fountain walls. Their dance is even more erratic in the flickering candlelight.

The gold-robed priest hasn't moved, but others dressed in silver robes file in through the arch parting the falls at the temple's rear. They gather in three arcs around the engraved words, "Study, cultivate, understand." Perhaps they are organized according to their factions. 



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© 2019 Jenari Skye